Have you ever read someones words and thought yes Yes YES!!! that is exactly how I feel? You are excited that someone could know you so personally even though you have never met. You feel validated that your feelings aren't so obscure. There is comfort in finding this person. blog, book or what ever it is that finally expressed some of your true feelings in such an eloquent and succinct way.
If you are like me there is also a little envy. Why didn't I think of that? Why didn't I write or say those things? How can those words really express me and how I feel, when I could never have written them, said them expressed them in such an illuminating way?
True they aren't my words, but they strike a resinating cord and so they are a clue to who I am. They are a stepping stone to help me express me. And kso the envy subsides a bit. I am reminded that I am uniquely me. I have my own voice and my own words and I am thankful for any opportunity to cross paths with like-minded strangers either physically or out in cyberspace.
The subject of today's envy The Mild Manifesto by Ken Robert.
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