I have been an EBay seller for a couple of years now and I have learned plenty during that time but I am still curious about the full-time sellers. How do they sell enough to make a full time income? Who are they? Do they have employees? Do they also have a real storefront? How much more do you have to sell in order to be able to pay employees? Where do you find enough things to sell? How do you find enough time to list all the things you buy? How much should you make on average from each sale? What margin is the best margin? When should you mark items down? When should you write off items? How much time should it take to list an item?
I imagine the answers to these questions are as unique as each of the individual sellers on EBay and that they are not fixed points on a graph that are attained and than forgotten. They are questions that by their nature are somewhat organic and change over time. In my couple of years of selling on EBay I have stumbled across a few of these answers. But the questions remain. There is always the possibility of a better answer than the one that I currently have.
Perhaps that is where one finds the inspiration to continue even in the face of discouraging numbers. Good items for resale are not always readily available. Items that we thought would sell quickly take months to move. Sometimes items sell for much less than we anticipate. The time and energy required to list items and manage inventory often does not bear out to an impressive hourly wage.
So in answer to my question: What do I do when the numbers are discouraging? It seems that there are only two real options. I can either quit or continue. And so I will continue trusting that there are things I do not know today but in the future I will know much more. I will continue to learn to do things better and faster and I will continue to make mistakes. I will find new answers to my questions. But the questions will remain.
"We Conquer By Continuing" George Matheson