Well Christmas has come and gone and we are off and running in a whole new year. I am always a little excited when the new year starts. I look at my empty day planner and wonder what it will be filled up with by the end of the year. There is so much possibility and potential. The beginning of the new year is a time when it just seems obvious to reflect on what matters to us and where we are heading. Are our interest the same as they where last year? What has changed? What has stayed the same?
One of my answers to the question, what has stayed the same, is my interest in continuing to find fun and creative new uses for old junk. The activity known to many as upcycling.
My Christmas gifts were so boring this year (gift cards) that I just had to come up with a little pizazz for the wrapping. They aren't your typical red and green boxes. In fact they don't really look Christmasy at all. But,I sure had fun making them and the recipients seemed pleased by the fanciful nature of their "Christmas Boxes."
The first box was made from a cereal box and two pop tart boxes and decorated with cheap thrift store finds, and old picture frame, some marabou feathers, part of a plastic necklace and some other misc "junk."
For the second box I used an old cigar box, some cardboard, toilet paper rolls, pieces of egg carton, duct tape and more cheap thrift store finds.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you found some inspiration here.
Happy Wrapping!!!