I have had a long absence from blogging. So, in some ways my original intention of writing as I go has not been particularly successful. (See initial blog dated April 20th”Why Write a Blog?”) The good news, I guess, is that I am not yet a full fledged entrepreneur so there is still time for me to mend my ways.
When I started this blog my entrepreneurial dreams had me heading in a completely different direction than I am going today. But I believe the universe gives us feedback on which of our ideas are the best and that we very rarely end up exactly where we think we are going. A few months ago I stumbled into selling a couple of things on Ebay. Today I have an actual store front, steady sales and what I hope is a growing business.
The other item which is significant to point out is that I am currently employed as a waitress. There are those, no doubt, who would view this as a step backwards from my previous employment in the corporate world but theirs may be the more short sided view. I would be lying if I said that I made the transition without any adjustments to my ego, but I am learning to be less concerned with the view points of others and more willing to follow my own unconventional path.
I have had to let go of the person that I thought I was, steady, dependable, beige. Life is more of an adventure for me now, full of new avenues to explore. I feel more colorful somehow but also isolated from the rest of the pack. It’s a paradox I am learning to understand. I no longer live in the 8 to 5’r den. I no longer share in the water cooler gossip or feel the frustration of spending most of my waking hours working on someone else’s dream. I am greedy I suppose but I want to live my own dreams and pursue my own course.
If unfulfilled dreams are such a source of heart break and disappointment why would anyone logically conclude to hold them at arms length and not give them a try? Who is happier I wonder the sensible man who will not dream or the foolish one who dares to try? The answer is clear to me. I am happier being a fool.